Self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you - tymoff
Self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you - tymoff

Self-Control is Strength. Calmness is Mastery. You – Tymoff

The famous writer James Allen wrote, “self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff” in his book As a Man Thinketh, published in 1903. However, the words hold great value in today’s scenario, too. We are in a generation of rat race, living with an unsatisfied soul. Due to this dissatisfaction and increasing competition, people have lost their self-control and calmness. 

We all have been hearing about violence every day, and the number of violence is on the rise, doubling and tripling every day. All this makes self-control and calmness essential survival skills more than good qualities. Emotional intelligence takes up the most important space. Lack of self-control and calmness is the reason behind almost everything, from traumatic relationships to career failures. 

Nevertheless, no one is to blame; it’s the polluted, unhealthy, and lethargic lifestyle that has eliminated patience from everyone. We want quick money, quick success, and instant results in everything. 

Symptoms of Lack of Self Control and Calmness

But the first step towardsself-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff is detecting where your weakness lies. Start by looking at the symptoms of lack of self-control and calmness. If you are experiencing the below-given symptoms, you definitely lack self-control and calmness:

  • Irritation
  • Denial to truth
  • Loner
  • Easily trigged anger 
  • Lack of decision-making 

How to Inculcate Self-Control and Calmness 

The next step towards “self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff” is knowing the source of frustration and trauma in your life that is leading to aggressiveness. Ask yourself about the cause of your frustration and work on it because nobody can know you better than you. After you have figured out the source of your aggression, it’s time to inculcate self-control and calmness. Follow the ways given below to inculcate self-control and calmness. 

  1. Start yoga: Yoga is known to calm not just your body but your soul, too. It plays a very important role in effectively managing stress and anxiety. By adding 10 minutes of yoga to your daily life, you can live a calm and peaceful life where you have self-control and are emotionally sound. 
  2. Invest your time in decision-making: Avoid making instant decisions. Take time to think through your words and actions and analyse their consequences. Try to find ways to balance the pros and cons. When you give time in decision-making, you make a mindful decision where you face the least loss. 
  3. Reverse counting: The best way to manage your anger is reverse counting. When you go 100, 99, 98, 97, and so on, your mind needs to concentrate on it. When it puts more focus on counting than the thing inducing your anger, you are basically diverting your anger.
  4. Prepare for the worst: Get ready for the worst so that whatever happens, you are well prepared for it, and you don’t have to act instantaneously. Also, when you expect the worst, anything better than the worst can give you happiness.
  5. Take one thing at a time: Slow down and take one thing at a time. Doing multiple things in one go can put extra pressure on your mind and result in irritation and frustration. So, organise things based on priority and give yourself a deadline to complete them. Other ways to deal with a lack of self-control and calmness are to spend some time with nature, do gardening, or just take a walk in a park. Following your passion or doing what you love can also help you inculcate self-control and calmness. 

Types of Self-Control

A survey conducted by American Psychological Association (APA) reported that 27% of the respondents said that lack of willpower is the main reason that is stopping them from reaching their goals. Willpower and self-control are connected to each other. When you have self-control, you have great willpower, and vice-versa. You don’t take impulsive actions and are able to regulate your emotions and actions very easily. It’s all about practice when you give in to a calm lifestyle, you do go back easily. Let’s understand self-control further. Self-control can be of three types, namely: 

  • Impulse control: In this type of self-control, you need to manage your impulses and urges to take quick action or react. People who lack impulse control take impulsive actions and regret them later because of the consequences or guilt. 
  • Emotional control: This type of self-control requires managing and regulating one’s emotions. People who struggle with emotional control overreact, experience long-lasting bad moods, and get panicked by the intensity of their feelings.
  • Movement control: In this type of self-control, you need to regulate your body movements. The people who struggle with movement control are restless and are unable to remain still. You must have met people who continuously move their legs, hands etc. 

Want to know why self-control is Important?

If you understand self-control in life, then you can achieve whatever goals you have in life. You can maintain your health, and your emotions and ultimately you can make yourself confident.

In a Nutshell: 

The quote “Self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff” stands true in today’s scenario more than ever. This is because of rising stress among the youngsters. Almost 61% of youngsters suffer from stress and anxiety that is having a big impact on their life. They have lost self-control and calmness and live their lives in delusion. The best way to deal with it is simply taking out some time for yoga or spending time with nature.

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