Elon Musk Says he is creating XMail

Elon Musk’s XMail, an Alternative to Gmail, is Coming Soon! 

Elon Musk, the God of the tech world, known for futuristic ventures in cars (Tesla), space (SpaceX), and brain-computer interface (Neuralink), is now set to compete with Gmail. Yes, you heard it right: Elon Musk will soon launch XMail, an alternative to Gmail.

With over 1.5 Billion people using GMail globally, Google has long dominated the email realm. But not to mention, Elon Musk has an excellent record of bringing innovation and challenging age-old systems. And with this announcement, people are excited and, at the same time, speculating about its features. 

Let’s first understand what XMail is.

What is Elon Musk’s XMail? 

Xmail is a new X-powered mail platform recently launched by Elon Musk as an alternative to Gmail. It has gained much attention on Twitter, and people are curious about its features and potential impact on the email market. If it offers better security and privacy, it can surpass all email companies, including Google and Yahoo. 

Nate McGrady, a member of X’s Engineering and Security team, asked, “When are we making XMail?” on Twitter (Now X) on 23rd February 2024. And surprisingly in just 2 hours Elon Musk responded and confirmed that “It’s coming”. 

Elon musk reply to Nate and Say Xmail is coming

A follower replied: “Lost trust in Gmail. Time to make the switch to Xmail ASAP!” Another remarked, “I will use my Gmail as how I use my Hotmail now, for junks.” 

Although nothing else has been said about it yet, it’s sure that Elon Musk has started working on it. And this announcement has created a wave of excitement. 

The Xmail Token has been launched on Solana Blockchain, and its price has grown significantly since its announcement.

Will Xmail Beat Gmail in the Future?

This is seemingly a step forward in Musk’s grand vision to make X an ‘everything app.’ Also, it is possible that the new Xmail will be built by xAI, the company founded by the Tesla boss in 2023. The same company introduced Grok, a chatbot that has been integrated into the X platform. While Musk has been tight-lipped, here are some of its expected features that can beat Gmail in the future. 

Focus on Privacy and Security in XMail

Musk has been a vocal critic of Google’s data collection practices, and Elon Musk’s XMail will likely prioritize user privacy. This could include end-to-end encryption, data minimization, and user control over data usage.

Imagine super-strong encryption scrambling your messages, making them unreadable even if someone hacks in. Plus, you might have more control over what data XMail stores and uses.

Are phishing emails trying to trick you? It could have an AI bodyguard that sniffs them out like a pro. Advanced filters and warnings could keep your inbox safe from scams and malware.

Collaboration Central

It’s reasonable to expect that Elon Musk’s XMail will integrate seamlessly with other Musk-owned platforms like Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink. This could create a unified communication ecosystem for Musk enthusiasts.

Need to work on projects with others? It could be your teamwork hub. Imagine shared folders, document editing, and real-time chat all within your email, streamlining communication and boosting productivity.

Imagine scheduling meetings with your Tesla or sending messages to your SpaceX team directly from this new mail. The possibilities are mind-boggling!

More intelligent Searching in XMail

Finding old emails can be a pain. XMail could have a search engine on steroids, understanding your intent and suggesting relevant emails even if you don’t remember the exact words.

Openness for All

Some say it might be open-source, meaning its code is public for anyone to see and improve. This could lead to a more transparent and community-driven development, constantly adding cool new features.

Is Gmail Going To Shut Down?

A viral post on X recently caused concern among netizens. The post climbed that Gmail is going to shut down. A screenshot of an email from Google titled ‘Google is sunsetting Gamil’ was included, and it quickly gained attention across the internet. This caused a lot of panic as people feared that Gmail might cease to exist entirely. 

The message reads, “After years of connecting millions worldwide, enabling seamless communication, and fostering countless connections, the journey of Gmail is coming to a close. As of August 1, 2024, Gmail will officially be sunsetted, marking the end of its service.”

Further, it added, “This means that as of this date, Gmail will no longer support sending, receiving, or storing emails. The decision to sunset Gmail has been made with careful consideration of the evolving digital landscape and our commitment to providing high-quality, innovative solutions that meet the needs of our users.”

The viral post generated considerable controversy among Gmail users, and the screenshot reached over 4 million views. However, some users suspected it was a hoax or a forged document. 

Despite all the speculations, Google on Friday took to social media, X, to announce that Gmail is not going anywhere and “Is here to stay.” it further stated that Google only modified the default Gmail view, which was earlier as ‘Basic HTML,” to a more colorful and new one. In January 2024, this change took place.

Will Elon Musk Create ‘Alternative’ Smartphones Too? 

Regarding moderation issues, Twitter has been under scrutiny from Apple and Google App Stores. Imagine a phone built on open-source software,  community development, and customization.

Although the development of an alternative smartphone ecosystem exists just in discussions till now, it will be a leap in the future. This might be a solution to all the app store limitations currently faced. 

However, building a phone from scratch is a complex and challenging endeavor. And there has yet to be an official announcement about this.

Elon musk replied the tweet and say if there is no other choice x will make smartphone in future


While the details remain under wraps, the potential implications are significant. If Musk can deliver on his promises, this next-generation email company could shake up the email industry by offering a more secure, private, and feature-rich alternative to Gmail. 

While it is coming soon, people wonder if it is time to say goodbye to Gmail and Why people will choose Xmail over Gmail. Only time will tell if it lives up to the hype and will Xmail replace Gmail? 

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Divya Stuti

Divya Stuti is a UGC-awarded researcher, writer, poet, and Digital Marketer. She has published multiple poems and short stories- "Pain", and "No Guess" and also contributed to poetry compilations- “Scribbled Perception” and DAFFODILS. She can write technical as well as non-technical contents and optimize them with best SEO practices.