Top Programming Languages

Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

A programming language is a bunch of instructions a programmer writes for the computer to perform and complete a given task. These instructions are generally seen as incomprehensible code structured following a specific programming language syntax. Some of the fundamental features of programming languages include: 

  • Syntax: Specific structure and rules used to write code in a programming language.
  • Variables: Named memory locations to store values.
  • Data Types: Types of values stored in a program, such as booleans, strings, and numbers. 
  • Control Structures: Statements that are used to control the program flow, such as function calls, if-else statements, and loops.
  • Operators: Symbols that are used to perform operations on values, such as comparison, addition, and subtraction.
  • Paradigms: The philosophy or programming style used in the language, such as functional, procedural, or object-oriented. 
  • Frameworks and Libraries: Compilations of previously written code, which can speed up development and can be used to perform common tasks. 

What is a Programming Language? 

Programming languages are computer languages that developers or programmers use to communicate with computers. They are a set of instructions written in a particular language (Python, Java, C++, C) to perform a particular task. A programming language is largely used to develop websites and desktop and mobile applications.

Coding helps people communicate with computers to assign them a specific task. Computers can’t understand human languages, so programming languages help to translate directions into binary codes. 

Code language plays a vital role in the increasingly digital era. Several aspects of modern-day rely on coding. Tablets, computers, and smartphones require efficient coding to function effectively. Also, many everyday things like air conditioning, traffic lights, and social media platforms need coding. 

Types Of Programming Languages

The programming languages types can be divided into five, including: 

  1. Object-oriented programming language 
  2. Functional programming language 
  3. Procedural programming language 
  4. Logic programming language 
  5. Scripting programming language 

Object-oriented Programming Language

Object-oriented programming language (OOP) relies on encapsulating and organizing data in terms of objects instead of depending on logic and functions. Some of the object-oriented program development languages are: 

  • Java 
  • C# 
  • Python 
  • PHP
  • Ruby 

Functional Programming Language

These programming languages use the concept of reusability. This also means that every program consists of a set of functions to be gathered to repeat a task until a requirement is met. Some of the functional languages are: 

  • Clojure 
  • Haskell
  • Common Lisp 
  • F#
  • Elm 

Procedural Programming Language 

Procedural languages are languages following a systemic approach consisting of commands, statements, and functions to execute a computational task. Some of the programming procedural languages are: 

  • Pascal
  • Basic 
  • C
  • Java 

Logic Programming Language

Logic programming languages aim to transmit restrictions to the system about statements the programmer uses to consider the possible outcomes of another action neatly. Some of the logic languages are: 

  • Alma-O 
  • Absys
  • ASP (Answer Set Programming)
  • ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional Programming Language)
  • Alice

Scripting Programming Language 

Scripting languages are used to develop, design, and improve an operating system’s or application’s features. These programming languages are solved quickly and can quickly execute code. Some of the scripting languages are: 

  • Python 
  • Javascript/ECMAScript
  • Ruby 
  • PHP
  • Perl 

List Of Top 10 Programming Languages:

There are 700+ programming languages to choose from. You are probably wondering which programming language will be the best to learn. Ultimately, the choice will depend upon your career goals, skill level, and the languages employers will use in their company. To help you get started, we are mentioning the programming language list below, which you can learn in 2024.

  1. Python
  2. C#
  3. C++
  4. Javascript 
  5. PHP
  6. Swift 
  7. Java 
  8. Go 
  9. SQL
  10. Ruby 


Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. It can be used for multiple tasks, from visualization to data analysis to web development, automation, and prototyping. Moreover, it lets users use different programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, procedural, and imperative programming languages. 

  • Best for: Beginners 
  • Difficulty: Easy to write, read, and learn 
  • Skills Needed: Basic front-end knowledge 
  • Uses: Data science, deep learning applications, back-end web development, automation, scientific computing, and machine learning.
  • Average Income: $96,800 annually 


C# is an object-oriented program development language. It is one of the top programming languages due to its improved stability and fast performance. This language is also easier to learn than its predecessors, C++ and C, because of its well-defined class hierarchy and simple syntax. 

  • Best For: Beginners and intermediates 
  • Difficulty: Moderate 
  • Skills Needed: A basic understanding of C and an object-oriented language approach can make the learning process easier. 
  • Uses: Mobile applications, Mac and Linux applications, VR and Game development, and Web applications.
  • Average Income: $84,200 annually 


C++ is the updated version of C and the most popular programming language in computer science. Its powerful and fast nature lets programmers create applications with exceptional performances, like web browsers, video games, and graphic software. Also, C++ is a multi-paradigm coding language supporting object-oriented, imperative, and generic programming. 

  • Best For: Experienced developers 
  • Difficulty: Hard 
  • Skills Needed: Basic programming language, problem-solving, and computer functions knowledge
  • Uses: Mobile app development, computer programs, operating systems, client and server-side app development, and machine learning 
  • Average Income: $89,700 annually 


One of the best programming languages to learn for front-end developers is Javascript. Approximately 97.8% of all websites use this language for their client-side scripting, which makes it the most popular. Javascript is also an amazing language for developing web applications, offering an intuitive design.

  • Best For: Beginners 
  • Difficulty: Comparatively easy 
  • Skills Needed: Familiarity with CSS and HTML and basic coding skills 
  • Uses: Web application, game development, and front-end web development 
  • Average Income: $90,800 annually 


PHP is one of the first back-end programming languages that many web developers find important to learn. Also, PHP is used by approximately 78.1% of all websites since it is the central language for WordPress. Additionally, this language provides exceptional PHP frameworks for application and website development. Some of the best are Codelgniter, Laravel, and Symfony. 

  • Best For: Beginners
  • Difficulty: Easy to learn 
  • Skills Needed: Basic coding skills, including HTML and CSS
  • Uses: Computer programs, desktop applications, and web development 
  • Average Income: $79,499 annually 


Swift is among the most latest programming languages in today’s market. Additionally, it is one of the best in Apple product development and one of the fastest-developing languages. If you are also interested in developing Apple products, think of choosing Swift as your first programming language to learn.

  • Best For: Beginners 
  • Difficulty: Easy to learn and read 
  • Skills Needed: None 
  • Uses: Software development, especially for iOS and macOS apps.
  • Average Income: $89,700 annually 


Java is a single programming language that Oracle owns. It is a general-purpose and high-level programming language that enables coders to create applications easily. This is an easy coding language due to its syntax familiarity with the tasks of real-world and object-oriented structure.

  • Best For: Beginners 
  • Difficulty: Relatively easy to learn 
  • Skills Needed: Basic programming knowledge  
  • Uses: Desktop, web applications, game and mobile development, scientific computing, and machine learning. 
  • Average Income: $93,100 annually 


Golang, or Go, was created for developing GUIs, API-based desktops, and web applications. Being a young language, Go is one of the fastest-developing programming languages. Additionally, one of the best features of it is the concurrent programming. Although, Go is based on C’s discipline syntax and it is much easier to understand due to its simplicity. 

  • Best For: Beginners to intermediates
  • Difficulty: Easy to learn because of its clean code
  • Skills Needed: It will be easier for you if you have strong Java or C coding skills 
  • Uses: Machine learning, big data, web application, back-end web development, and system programming 
  • Average Income: $99, 600 annually 


SQL (structured query language) is the perfect programming language if you are interested in statistical computing and data science. This domain-specific language lets coders analyze, query, and manipulate data stored in a relational database. Additionally, it is based on Stack Overflow’s statistics and is the third most-used programming language.

  • Best For: Beginners
  • Difficulty: Easy to learn, however, it can be difficult when developing advanced functions 
  • Skills Needed: None  
  • Uses: Back-end database management, data science, sales report, and business intelligence tools
  • Average Income: $88,900 annually 


Ruby is another famous open-source programming language. Usually, it is useful for web app development, but coders can also use it for prototyping and data analysis. Additionally, the RoR (Ruby on Rails) framework brings various benefits. Some of them are low maintenance, improved web applications, and are also suitable for full-stack development. 

  • Best For: Beginners 
  • Difficulty: Very easy and simple to learn 
  • Skills Needed: None 
  • Uses: Both back-end and front-end web development 
  • Average Income: $89,800 annually 


Choosing the best programming language to launch a successful career is common for everyone, whether they are beginners or computer students. We hope that after learning about the top 10 programming languages, you will surely be able to select the one that will suit your objectives and interests. 


What are the 5 main programming languages?

The 5 main programming languages are Python, C, C++, Java, and JavaScript. 

What are the 4 types of programming languages?

According to many experts, the four types of programming languages are object-oriented, imperative, logical, and functional. 

What are the 12 examples of computer programming languages?

The 12 examples of computer programming languages are Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C#, HTML, CSS, C++, Ruby, PHP, SQL, and Go. 

Which programming language is most in demand?

Globally, JavaScript is the most in-demand programming language among various organizations.

Also Read About: Java vs JavaScript: Understanding the Differences

Arushi Chaturvedi

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