PCOS vs PCOD: Differences, Causes, Symptoms, and More

PCOS vs PCOD discussion is one of the hottest topics in medical science these days. Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS) are two common conditions that are associated with hormonal disorders in women of reproductive age. 

There is a myth that PCOS and PCOD are the same, but in reality they are different from each other. Despite their similar treatment and symptoms, there are a lot of differences between each of these conditions.

This article will cover, “what is PCOD problem in females”,  PCOS vs PCOD problem differences, treatment, causes, diet, symptoms, and more. 

What is PCOS? 

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. PCOS is often characterized by irregular periods or ovulation, excess androgen (male hormones), and the presence of small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries, though not everyone with PCOS has cysts.

What is PCOD? 

Polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) is a condition where a woman’s ovaries produce premature eggs, causing cysts in the ovaries. This also leads to a hormonal imbalance, which leads to the production of more male hormones (androgen) than needed. Apart from some other issues, this hormone imbalance leads to some complications in fertility and menstruation. 

PCOD or PCOS Which Is More Dangerous?

One of the common questions that arises among people is that- PCOD or PCOS which is more dangerous? 

Let’s compare PCOS vs PCOD and look at some of the key differences between these two disorders: 

PCOD is a common disorder without any serious complications.PCOS is a serious medical condition 
PCOD is a disorder in which ovaries produce many immature or partially mature eggs PCOS is a metabolic disorder when ovaries stop releasing eggs.
It can lead to irregular or missed periods. However, PCOD doesn’t cause infertility or problems in pregnancy.PCOS can cause infertility. There is a higher risk of miscarriage, birth of a premature baby, and ectopic pregnancy. 
PCOD doesn’t have any serious complications.PCOS can cause serious complications such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high-blood pressure, and endometrial cancer in later stages.

Thus, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a more serious condition. PCOD problem treatment is much easier to handle with lifestyle and dietary changes.

Common Symptoms of PCOS and PCOD

Many women start seeing some symptoms at the time of their first period, and others only find out when they have gained quite a lot of weight or are having issues with getting pregnant. Symptoms of both the diseases are almost similar.

PCOS and PCOD Common symptoms and signs in women include:

  • Absence or skipped menstruation (amenorrhea) 
  • Irregular periods (oligomenorrhea) 
  • Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
  • Excessive hair growth (body, face, and especially in chest, body, and back)
  • Acne (upper back, face, and chest) 
  • Hair fall (hair on the scalp gets thinner) 
  • Skin darkening (under the breasts, in the groin, and neck) 
  • Weight gain 
  • Heart disease risk due to induction of metabolic syndrome
  • Mood swings 
  • Depression and anxiety 

Causes of PCOS and PCOD

Here are certain key factors that can increase the risk of PCOD and PCOS: 


  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • Obesity 
  • Genetic disorder 
  • Excess of androgen 


  • Insulin resistance 
  • Inflammation 
  • Imbalance of male and female sex hormones
  • Stress 
  • Unhealthy lifestyle

Treatment For PCOS and PCOD 

Be it PCOS or PCOD, currently there is no cure available for any of these disorders. However, you can still manage the issues with lifestyle changes and treatment to avoid any serious medical challenges. 

Here are some of the common ways to treat PCOD and PCOS:

  1. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes: One of the most effective ways to treat PCOS and PCOD can be by making effective lifestyle changes. You can exercise regularly and manage a healthy weight by adopting healthy eating habits. Eating healthy will keep you fit and keep your hormones in check. Additionally, it can help you to regularize your menstrual cycle.

You can add these things to your diet to manage PCOS and PCOD: 

  • Complex Carbohydrates: Starchy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. 
  • Proteins: Plant-based proteins, poultry, and fatty fish. 
  • Healthy Fats: Avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. 
  • Antioxidants: Tomatoes, leafy vegetables, apples, bell peppers, cherries, and strawberries.
  1. Medications: If you are experiencing severe symptoms of PCOS and PCOD, you must consult a doctor. Your doctor will prescribe the following medicines to treat these disorders: 
  • Metformin
  • Anti-androgens 
  • Birth control pills 
  1. Surgical Options: If the case worsens, your doctor may suggest surgery as the last option for extracting ovarian cysts. 

For a proper management plan or an accurate diagnosis, please consult a medical professional like a gynaecologist, dietician, or endocrinologist. 

Final Line On PCOS vs PCOD

We hope that this blog has answered your questions- “What is PCOD problem in females”, “PCOD or PCOS which is more dangerous?”. We have listed down the symptoms, causes and symptoms while also comparing- PCOS vs PCOD. Both of them are disorders that are related to the reproductive health of women in their reproductive age. Despite some of the similarities, both hormonal diseases are quite different from each other. There is no cure for both disorders, but with lifestyle and dietary changes, you can surely manage them.

Also Read About: What is a Blood Test? It’s Purpose, Procedure, and Results.

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