
Israel War 2023 – A Complete Overview of the Battle

The Israel War 2023 has shaken the world again with its cruelty and loss of thousands of lives. The October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict has sent chills down our spine because of its loathsome intentions and the strategies involved. It all started On 7 October 2023 when groups of  Palestinian militants led by Hamas undertook a large attack and offense against Israel.

This was all done from the Gaza Strip, where they broke through the Gaza-Israel barrier and forced entry through the Gaza border crossings. They invaded the nearby Israeli settlements and military installations leading to the death of at least 700 Israelis.

The invasion caused by the Palestinians broke down the relationship between the strip and Israel. This led to months of clashes between Israelis and Palestinians, including the Jenin ones and the Al-Aqsa mosque invasion which killed almost 250 Palestinians and 32 Israelis.

In this blog post, we are going to highlight the causes, results, Current Affairs situation, and global impact of the Israel War.

Why did the Israel War start?

The Israel War was a result of the building tension and hatred among the Palestinians that resulted in years of dissatisfaction. The discontent was caused by Israeli occupation and tensions between the two sides. This grew into much more than a mere dissatisfaction after the economic hardships and violence witnessed by Palestinians.

On Saturday, 7 October, horrified Israelis woke up to the wails of sirens and alarms as Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired thousands of rockets and fireguns from Gaza. It was the last day of the Jewish high holiday and people were terrified by the armed militants that broke down the barriers surrounding the strip. The motive of the Israel war was to enter Israel and shoot hundreds of people to the deathbed. Various armed militants in boats also entered Israel via the sea route and took hostage hundreds of people.

It is not the first time that the world has witnessed such cruelty and intensity of conflict between the two regions. The Israel-Palestinian conflict has been parboiling for more than a century now. The roots of this dispute are attached to the Zionist movement’s push for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

During the early 20th century, the situation started when the Jews and Palestine fought for the right to live in the region. The condition worsened in 1948 when Israel declared itself as an Independent country. This led to a horrific war between them called the Arab-Israeli War.

The war was a horrific and exceptional offensive movement led by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

At that time, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, officially announced that Israel was at war and that Palestinians would have to repay.

History of Israel

The Israel War has its roots attached back to a century. The major Israel-Palestine conflict started in 1947 when the United Nations embraced Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan. The reason behind the resolution was to divide the British Mandate of Palestine into Aran and Jweish states.

The state of Israel was created on May 14, 1948, which sparked the first-ever Arab-Israeli War. The war lasted for a whole year and ended with Israel’s victory. However, 750,000 Palestinian people were displaced, and the region was split into 3 parts namely, the State of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.

Over the years, tension rose in the region, particularly among Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Post the 1956 Suez Crisis and Israel’s attack on the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, a treaty was signed for mutual defense pacts in anticipation of a mobilization of Israeli troops.

However, in June 1967, after various schemes by Egyptian President Abdel Gamal Nasser, Israel struck the Egyptian and Syrian air forces. This led to a six-day war and started one of the most horrific hatred among the countries.

After the war ended, Israel established its control over the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt. The West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria were also taken under the control of Israelis.

Six years into their control, Israel faced a two-front attack by Egypt and Syria to regain their lost territory. The attack was called the “Yom Kippur War” or the “October War”. However, the conflict did not yield any significant gains for Egypt, Israel, or Syria, but the Egyptian president announced a victory for Egypt as it permitted a negotiation between Egypt and Syria over previously ceded territory. Finally, in 1979, after a series of conflicts and wars, a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was established.

Highlights on the Israel War 2023

The continued war between Israel and Palestine is still ignited even in 2023. On Saturday, hundreds of armed militants infiltrated Jewish communities near the border with Gaza. they killed and seized civilians and soldiers with bullets, bombs, rockets, and more. Various unverified videos and images have been broadcasted on Social Media and news TV channels that showed terrified Israelis covered in blood. Many citizens that were captured were being taken by the Palestine gunmen with hands tied behind their backs.

According to the latest news and reports, an Israeli airstrike targeted the National Bank in Gaza City, on October 8, 2023. This led to fire and smoke rising from the grounds and was initiated for defense against the hidden Palestine troops. The Israel Defense Forces have revealed that it hit more than 500 enemy targets in an overnight attack.

Although Israel says it has regained control over all of its communities, there is still active fighting with Hamas militants “constantly trying to cross over” from Gaza, IDF spokesman Doron Spielman told NBC News.

United States and Iran Deal

After the Israel War, the latest sensation that has caught the eyes of everyone is the striking deal between the United States and Iran. Just after the major war between Israel and Palestine, US President Joe Biden announced a $6 billion prisoner-swap deal with Iran. the suspicion actively looks abnormal highlighting the latest war crises and Palestine’s support long backed by Iran. The war that staged one of the bloodiest attacks on Israel in years is said to be backed by Iran for military and finance.

Some Republicans are even trying to link Biden to the attack. Some of the Republicans have even raised their voices alleging that Iran’s access to the billions of dollars improves its budget situation. Since the war crises are going on, Iran is at most suspicious of backing up Palestine in its agendas.

Does the Israel war have any impact on India?

The Israel war in 2023 did not have any direct impact on India but the surge economic crisis affected the prices of oil, imports, weaponry, and more in India. As we all are aware the global economy is already rattled by inflation, and facing another geopolitical crisis in the Middle East has made the conditions even worse.

The surprise attack of Hamas on Israel has resulted in a consequence of Inflation, a Crude Oil price rise, lack of weaponry supply, and imports from several countries, including India.

According to the news and reports the toll passed, more than 1000 dead and many more wounded people on both sides as fighting entered a third day.

The war may take a toll on the global economy and may take time to clear. However, the condition can become more severe if the conflict spreads to the rest of the Middle East. although Iran is suspected to be the helping hand of Palestine behind the attack, spreading a war across its borders can suspend the production of oil.

This can raise concerns for the rest of the world. Crude oil prices have already surged sharply on Monday as the impacts reached the lands of Middle Eastern countries. It is home to almost one-third of the international oil supply. According to news and reports, the Brent crude price rose 3.44% to $87.49 a barrel, while the US West Texas Intermediate crude rebounded to 3.85% to $85.98 a barrel.


The long-term war between Palestine and Israel has caused the loss of thousands of lives over the years. The never-ending crises have not only impacted the lives of people living in the countries but also the rest of the world. In this blog post, we have highlighted the history, causes, consequences, and future probability of the Israel War.


Q1. What stocks did the Israel war affect?

Many reports and data have shown that the Israel War has affected stocks of the NMDC and jewellers such as Kalyan Jewellers and Titan with Israelis. Along with IT majors like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tech Mahindra, Wipro, and Infosys, State Bank of India (SBI) and Larsen & Toubro (L&T) also have a company in Israel.

Q2. How much trade between India and Israel?

In Fiscal Year 23, the Indian merchant exports to Israel were $7.89 billion and Israeli exports to India were around $ 2.13 billion.

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